Mississauga Dental Practice - Patient Information

New Patients Welcome Information

When you visit our Mississauga Dental office for the first time, our knowledgeable Dental staff will do a detailed examination to determine an appropriate treatment plan. Since this is your first visit to our office, you need to fill out the patient questionnaire. You are advised to arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than your scheduled appointment to register with our receptionist, fill out the questionnaire, and make yourself comfortable. Please visit our Dental Videos page and under "Examination" section you can watch detailed video explaining what you can expect on your first visit.


Free Parking for all of our patients in front of the office during your office visit.



We treat our patients by scheduling appointments so we can make sure we have enough time for appropriate dental care that you need. You are always welcome to visit us directly, but we don’t treat our patients on a walk in basis. Appointments are usually scheduled via phone or on your visit, but you can also go to our main page and send an appointment request directly from there.

If you have an appointment and you are unable to keep it, we ask that you provide at least 48 hours notice so that we can accommodate another waiting patient. If the notice is too short (or not given at all) a charge to your account will be applied.

We understand than unforeseen circumstances can arise and that you might be slightly late for your appointment. We will do our best to accommodate you, but if that is not possible due to our schedule, we will have to make arrangements for another time.

We appreciate your time and we ask for the same. Our schedule and timelines are pride of our office but sometimes, due to the nature of the profession, we might have a slight delay in starting your procedure (that happens rarely, but we apologize in advance).


Emergencies -- we will do the best we can to accommodate patients with urgent needs the same day. If for some reason we are unable to see you urgently, we will make sure to address your issue the best we can.


Insurance Coverage

We accept all major insurance plans

Let’s explain in a few words how dental insurance works:

Your insurance plan is a contract between you and your insurance provider -- not a contract between your dental office and your insurance.

You as a patient are responsible for your account within our office -- not the insurance provider. It is crucial that we have your most current dental insurance policy number, coverage information and your personal information so as our patient you can enjoy electronic submission of your dental claim; directly from our office (where possible) to speed up the claim process.

Please keep in mind that due to the privacy policy we are not always able to communicate with your insurance provider, so you will have to keep our office informed about your insurance coverage.

Important thing to remember is that your treatment plan and recommended procedure is based only on your dental needs not your insurance coverage.

Some insurance plans will only cover a certain percentage of submitted claim for dental work done. You as a patient are responsible to pay any portion of the cost of treatment not covered by your insurance plan (co-insurance) promptly.

As an office policy, we require all accounts to be in good standings and accounts to be settled within 30 days of the claim. We keep the right to send you reminder notices for an outstanding account and to apply interest charges to outstanding accounts.


Payment Options



For our patients with a good credit record, customized payment plans are available.



We thank you for all your referrals.

All of your friends and family members are more than welcome to visit us!

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Janev Dentistry
Your Mississauga Dentist
"We keep your smile all year long"

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Dr. Vesna Janev Family Dentistry
996 Burnhamthorpe Road East Mississauga, Ontario L4Y2X6
Phone: (905) 848-3434 URL of Map